Thursday, December 20, 2012

Marco Vinicio Galaviz Luna, Indio CA

Marco or "Marco tight pants" as he calls himself was a resident of the Coachella Valley town Indio.  
He is now a film student at New York University in New York and is currently just home for the holidays in the Coachella Valley. Also he's very passionate about social justice and is an amazing over all contributor to the community here. 

His style varies but it's as bright as he is! No one but him could pull off blue converse, mustard yellow velvet tight pants, a pink sweater and a rainbow scarf so smoothly. 

His Coachella Valley Street Style rocks and we're happy to have had the chance to feature him on our blog as one of our community members.   

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Jose Maria, Mecca CA

Jose or as some might know him by the nickname "Chema" is a resident of the small Coachella valley town known as Mecca. Currently for work he keeps and watches out for a palm tree ranch, aside from that Chema is an inventor! He makes things out of other things as his past time, which is the coolest thing ever! 

His style is way cute and must be recognized on here, he's another one of our valleys great culture contributes which we here at Eres Chingon Style are grateful for. 

Thank you to my dearest friend Valeria for contributing to this site! 

Jose De Jesus, Thermal CA

Jose or as some may know by "Don Chuy" is a father, grandfather and entrepreneur in the Coachella Valley, he resides in Thermal. He grows cactus (Nopales) in his ranch and sells them to local stores like Rancho Market. Don Chuy has mad style and we are honored to feature him on this blog cause he truly is chignon.

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Ramon Melgoza, Mecca CA

This is a photo of my wonderful friend Angels dad that Angel contributed, He too obviously has awesome Coachella Valley Street style. 

Salvador Sanchez, Mecca CA

The first photos on this blog are of the man who inspired it all, my grandfather. Mi abuelito.

To many in the Coachella Valley he is known as "Don Salvador" a respectful and well known man amongst the agricultural working community because for many years he was a field supervisor or as many say a "majordomo." He has since retired and often does volunteer work around the Mecca community.   

Salvador always wears a sombrero or cap but takes it off upon instinct when he knows respect is owed. I've always noticed his Sombrero always comes off in church. His shirts always tucked in. Also notice how his shoes, belt & glasses case match. He always matches. Its perfect.